Der Katalog erscheint aus Anlass der Ausstellung „Ein Denkmal ist nicht genug!“ vom 1.6. - 30.6.2024 in der Ludgerikirche Norden.
Texte: Dr. Barbara Hartung und Dr. Heike Ritter-Eden
Spraybilder: Frauke Beeck
Diese Kunst-Publikation beinhaltet vierunddreißig Frauendenkmäler, die historischen Frauen im öffentlichen Raum Niedersachsen gewidmet sind. Die Lebensleistungen und -geschichten der Frauen, geboren zwischen 935 und 1946, sind beschrieben, ebenso werden Informationen zu den Daten der Denkmäler wie BildhauerInnen und InitiatorenInnen, Aufstellungsort und -zeitpunkt usw. gegeben. Zu jedem Frauendenkmal gibt es ein Spraybild.
Mai 2024
Format / Umfang: 210 x 150 mm / 36 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-947225-32-3
Vorzugsausgabe mit einem Orginalspraybild "Helene Lange" auf Acryl

This publication was edited on the occasion of the exhibition INSEL BERGE in the INSEL GALLERY Berlin from 28.4.- 3.6.2023.
The catalogue contains the thirty existing women monuments in public space in Berlin. It also contains information of the women`s achievements and personal lifestories and the sculptor and the initiator of the statues, its location and date of setup. There are several sprayed pictures and drawings by Frauke Beeck showing her personal view.
texts: Meta Marina Beeck, Ilona Scheidle
May 2023, Germany
21 x 15 cm, 36 pages, a special edition of this publication contains a multiple.
ISBN 978-3-947225-30-9

This publication was edited on the occasion of the exhibition FRAUENSLEUTE in the Bremische Zentralstelle für die Verwirklichung der Gleichberechtigung der Frau (ZGF) in collaboration with the museum of women in Bremen. Starting point for the art works were the eight existing women monuments in the Bremen area. The achievements and the personal lifestories of these women, who are often forgotten, are part of the interpreting artwork of Frauke Beeck. Started as an artproject the catalogue is also the first documentation of historical monuments of women in Bremen.
texts: Ulrike Hiller, Nicole Giese-Kroner
edited by Bremische Zentralstelle für die Verwirklichung der Gleichberechtigung der Frau (ZGF)
April 2020, German
21 x 15 cm, 24 pages, a special edition of this publication contains a multiple.
ISBN 978-3-947225-16-3

Multiples and Editions from Frauke Beeck
Since 2000 the artist Frauke Beeck produces multiples and editional artworks. They contain imaginative thoughts and a sense of experiment. In this brochure her multiples and editions are presented and discussed for the first time.
text: Jürgen Brandt
edited by Atelier Brandt Credo Bremen
October 2018, German
30 x 21 cm / 16 pages, a special edition of this publication contains a multiple.

Works from 2005 bis 2015
This calogue gives an oberview of the spray works created by Frauke Beeck from 2005 to 2015. It was published on the occasion of the exhibition “Zwischen Dalian und Bremen“ in the Modern Museum Dalian, VR China. A catalogue text is dedicated to the subject of the city with many exemples, the other to the subject of the country. In an interview Frauke Beeck is talking about her career and her experiences in China.
texts: Frank Laukötter, Wiebke Steinmetz, Meta Marina Beeck
2015, German/ English
24x 19 cm, 116 pages, coloured, softcover
ISBN: 978-3-9817283-2-3

und Beijing
The exhibition BEIJING took place in 2000 in Normal University Beijing as the first part of the Chinese/ German exchange-artist-program. The following very much noticed counter-exhibition of the Chinese artists was shown in 2001 in the Städtische Galerie Bremen, Germany, The artists are presented in both catalogues and their works are depicted.
Artists: Li Dapeng, Fang Lijun, Yue Minjun, Yang Shaolin, Beatrix Sassen, Frauke Beeck, Peter Angermann,Reinhild Zietz
texts: Sabine Kunz, Hans-Joachim Manske, Marc Scheps, Stephanie Tasch, Tang Xin
edited by Städtische Galerie Bremen, Künstlerinnenverband Bremen, Gemeinschaft der Künstlerinnen und Kunstförderer e.V., Gedok
September 2000, German/ Chinese, 28 x 19 cm, 40 pages, coloured, softcover
April 2001, German/ Chinese, 28 x 19 cm, 40 pages, coloured, softcover

1974 - 2004
The Wuemme-Calendar is brought out by the family business Froben Druck in Ottersberg. The photos and drawings document and interpret the landscape around the river Wuemme and its cultural and economic changes.
texts: Wiebke Steinmetz, Ingwert Frobenedited by Froben Druck
2004, German
27,0 x 23,0 cm, 40 pages, colour, softcover

This catalogue with coloured pencil-drawings was published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut in Beijing, VR China
text by Wiebke Steinmetz
June 1998, German/ Chinese
21 x 15 cm, 24 pages. colour, softcover